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The Fragment Visualizer is a runtime tool that will help Unity developers "visualize" certain fragment properties that are processed by shaders, and all the while running on the target platform.


With this tool, it'll be easier than ever for developers to optimize and debug graphics in their Unity applications. They'll be able to narrow down causes for shading issues, identify where texture sizes can be reduced, they'll even be able to see the scale of models relative to the world.


  • Integrates with your application so that the visualizers run on the target platform.

  • Easy to use UI that can be minimized down to a small button so that it doesn't get in the way.

  • Wide selection of visualizers to help you to see what your shaders are processing.

  • Heads up description of each of the visualizers.

Fragment Visualizers


Draws _MainTex alpha in greyscale. Will help to determine how much alpha is in the scene.


Draws _BumpMap normals in object space. Can be used to solve lighting and reflection issues.


Draws _BumpMap normals. Can be used to solve lighting and reflection issues.


Draws _BumpMap normals. Can be used to solve lighting and reflection issues.


Draws _BumpMap normals in world space. Can be used to solve lighting and reflection issues.


Draws depth fragment.


Shades object space normals from orange to violet in view space. Can be used to solve lighting and reflection issues.


Shades tangent space normals from orange to violet in view space. Can be used to solve lighting and reflection issues.


Draws a grid in object space. Can be used to view the orientation and scale of the object.


Draws a grid in world space. Can be used to view the scale of an object in relation to the world.


Draws lightmap baked into static objects, while unbaked or dynamic objects are drawn blue. Can be used to see light baking artifacts and dynamic objects.


Draws checker pattern representing lightmap pixels for static objects with baked lighting, while unbaked or dynamic objects are drawn blue. Can be used to see the size of baked pixels, light baking artifacts, and dynamic objects.


Tints _MainTex texels blue or red depending on if it's being scaled up or down, respectively. No tinting means the texel is one to one. Can be used to tell if a texture is too large or too small at a given distance to a surface.


Draws greater texture dimension as a color. Will help to identify the size of textures in a scene.


Draws the scale of _MainTex. A scale of 1 or less will draw a solid color. A scale greater than 1 will result in a checker pattern. Will tell you where textures are being tiled or not, and if UVs are outside of the typical 0 to 1 UV range.


Draws a checker pattern in place of _MainTex. Will tell you if pixels are being stretched or not.


Dewas UVs as colors. Will tell you where there are mangled UVs. It'll also help you to see UV islands and if textures are being tiled.


Draws object normals in object space. Can be used to solve lighting and reflection issues.


Draws object normals in view space. Can be used to solve lighting and reflection issues.


Draws object normals in world space. Can be used to solve lighting and reflection issues.


Draws reflection using object normals. Can be used to solve lighting and reflection issues.


Draws reflection using _BumpMap normals. Can be used to solve lighting and reflection issues.


Draws vertex colors.


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